Turmeric consist of curcumin which is known for boosting brain health and help in preventing anxiety. Curcumin also contain substantial antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that
prevent damage to brain cells.
Dark Chocolate
Chocolate is well known for its health benefits. Eating some amount of it can help one with anxiety, stress, insomnia and fatigue. Dark chocolate contains flavonols which are antioxidants that helps in brain function.
Yogurt is very helpful in dealing with anxiety. It contains probiotics which are healthy bacteria and it is found that some types of yogurt can help hugely in our well being and especially in brain health. Probiotics in yogurt promotes brain activity and function by inhibiting free radicals and neurotoxins which can damage nerve tissues and cause anxiety.
Green tea
Green tea contains amino acid, L_theanine which is known to improve brain activity and can help reduce anxiety.
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